Social Communication: How children develop skills to interact with others

Our “going-further” module Social communication: How children develop skills to interact with others explores what social communication skills are, and how they typically develop. It also gives information about social communication differences, and the potential impacts on learning if the environment is not supportive. 

Intended audience

Practitioners who work with primary school aged children. This could include teachers, teaching assistants, SENCos, speech and language therapy assistants, and other staff working in health or education.

Course structure

This module is part of our ‘going further’ series of modules: Speech and language challenges in the classroom. All of the modules in this series can be completed as stand-alone modules based on your own CPD needs.

This module explores what social communication skills are, and how they typically develop. It also gives information about the some of the causes of social communication differences, and the impact this can have on learning. We recommend that after this module, you complete the module Social communication: Practical ideas to develop social skills and celebrate difference. That module will explore being neurodiversity-affirming, and equip you with practical ideas to support children with social communication differences in the classroom.

Time commitments

The module will take approximately one hour to complete. You can complete the module at your own pace and in your own time.

Pre-requisite Knowledge

This module is part of our 'going further' series. It is assumed that professionals have either completed the Introduction to speech, language and communication course on the Speech and Language UK Learning Centre, or have equivalent knowledge and skills gained through other formal or informal learning, and/or relevant experience working with children or young people.