Early Talk Boost Evaluation Project


Welcome to Speech and Language UK Early Talk Boost Evaluation Page!
Here you will find some key resources for delivering the programme as well as some useful information to help you to meet some of the evaluation reporting requirements. 

If you have any questions about the project, please contact project@speechandlanguage.org.uk.

Project Resources

Programmes Tracker

The Tracker is designed to help you select the children who’ll benefit most from Early Talk Boost and to measure their progress after they’ve taken part in the intervention. If you’ve observed a child who may be struggling with talking and understanding words, you can use the Tracker to support your observations.

The Tracker is not a whole-class screening tool. It is not a formal or standardised assessment and will not give age-related scores; nor does it replace other tracking and monitoring tools, although it may be used alongside them.

The tracker should be completed before you start Early Talk Boost with the children in the group and after you have finished.So that we can link your setting to this project, please log onto your tracker account, go to the Setting tab on the left hand side and tick the “Early Talk Boost EEF evaluation” project name. 

Setting up your online tracker account. 

To use the online tracker, you must first create an account. Watch the quick start video which takes you through all the steps of using the online tracker. 

You can also read the the following guides on how to use the tracker:

1. Read the "How to Guide"

If you have any difficulties using the online tracker, please send an email to info@speechandlanguage.org.uk

Project Locations

  • East of England
  • South West England
  • West Midlands

Key contacts

Project support 

Speech and Language Support
Liz Wood 07912848697

Evaluation support
Jane Flynn - 07595414000

Deliveries and resources and tracker support